Is Cleaning the Ears Really Useful?

Removing earwax? Is that the same as blowing your nose? Not at all. Because unlike a stuffy nose, you should think briefly beforehand about whether you really want to “clean” your ears now. Caution when cleaning with cotton swabs Everyone knows cotton swabs. After you have carefully inserted them into the ear, the cotton swab … Is Cleaning the Ears Really Useful?

Lard: Intolerance & Allergy

Most people still know lard from their grandma’s kitchen. Lard is a very pure fat, which is usually made from the animal fat of pigs or geese, which is produced during slaughtering. As Schmalzstulle, the melted fat is a real classic, but it is also very suitable for frying and baking hearty dishes. This is … Lard: Intolerance & Allergy