Exercises for foot malpositions

The problem with most foot malpositions is based on problems in posture, muscles and the tissue surrounding the joints. In most cases, the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot has a flattened position. Incorrect footwear or incorrect execution of movements can also contribute to a malposition. In the therapy of foot malpositions, therefore, in … Exercises for foot malpositions

Late effects of malpositioning | Exercises for foot malpositions

Late effects of malpositioning Foot malpositions do not always cause immediate problems for those affected. However, if the malposition remains untreated for a long time and worsens, there are late effects. These can be of a relatively harmless nature and can manifest themselves, for example, as pressure pain, pressure sores or strain pain. However, structural … Late effects of malpositioning | Exercises for foot malpositions

Alternative therapeutic measures | ExercisesTreatment of a clubfoot

Alternative therapeutic measures In addition, a motorized moving rail can be used. This is usually applied at night from the age of 1-2 months and has the goal of passively mobilizing the clubfoot and improving mobility. In addition, affected persons should often go swimming to train the muscles in the foot and lower leg. If … Alternative therapeutic measures | ExercisesTreatment of a clubfoot

Trimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

A trimalleolar ankle fracture is an injury to the upper ankle joint that affects both the tibia and the fibula. In addition, a trimalleolar ankle fracture also involves the fracture of the distal end of the tibia, called the Volkmann’s triangle. According to the Weber Classification, this fracture can be called a Weber C fracture … Trimalleolar ankle fracture treatment