
Products Lepirudin was commercially available as a lyophilizate (Refludan). It was approved in many countries in 1997 and is no longer on the market. Structure and properties Lepirudin is a derivative of hirudin from the leech. Effects Lepirudin (ATC B01AX03) is anticoagulant by direct inhibition of thrombin. Indications Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT) type II.

Thrombin Inhibitors

Products Thrombin inhibitors are commercially available in many countries in the form of infusion preparations and as capsules. The first oral thrombin inhibitor to be launched was ximelagatran (Exanta) in 2003. Due to its liver toxicity, sales had to be discontinued. Currently, the most widely used oral and direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran (Pradaxa), was approved … Thrombin Inhibitors

What drugs are available to treat worms? | Medication against worms

What drugs are available to treat worms? The drug groups are based on the parent classes to which the respective worms belong. Consequently, there are drugs that can be used in the group of plathelminthes for sucking (trematodes) and tapeworms (cestodes). And there are drugs for the nematodes in nemathelminth infections. The main drugs used … What drugs are available to treat worms? | Medication against worms

Medication against worms

Introduction Worm infestation is mainly known in the context of pets, but humans can also harbour worms. In medical terminology, worms are called helminths, and worm infestation is known as helminths. They are ingested with food or water and often infest organs of the digestive tract. The worm infestation is not always very dangerous for … Medication against worms