COPD Life Expectancy: Factors Influencing

Brief overview Factors influencing COPD life expectancy: one-second capacity (FEV1), nicotine use, worsening of the disease (exacerbation), age, concomitant diseases. Stage 4 life expectancy: depends on many factors such as lung function, physical condition, and behavior of the COPD patient. BODE index: assessment of COPD life expectancy, body mass index (BMI), lung function (FEV1), shortness … COPD Life Expectancy: Factors Influencing

Marfan Syndrome: Symptoms, Life Expectancy

Brief overview Marfan syndrome Diagnosis: A suspected diagnosis usually results from the findings of the physical examination; genetic testing is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Prognosis: Life expectancy is often normal nowadays, but regular check-ups, especially with a cardiologist, are very important. Symptoms: Changes in the heart, especially dilatation of the aorta, changes in the … Marfan Syndrome: Symptoms, Life Expectancy

Exercises for at home | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Exercises for at home For exercises that can be done from home, light endurance exercises and gymnastic exercises are particularly suitable. During the execution of the exercise, it is important to keep the pulse within the permitted range to avoid overexertion. 1) Running on the spot Start running slowly on the spot. Make sure that … Exercises for at home | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Endurance training – what needs to be considered | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Endurance training – what needs to be considered During endurance training it is important to carry out an individual analysis of the performance of each patient, as the heart must not be overloaded. A first classification is made based on the NYHA classification, but above all the individual maximum achievable oxygen uptake (VO2peak) plays a … Endurance training – what needs to be considered | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Summary | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Summary All in all, the exercises for cardiac insufficiency represent an important component of the therapy and are essential for increasing the patient’s resilience. Through regular training, many patients can increase their endurance and thus perform more everyday tasks again. As a result, the patients feel better overall and experience an increase in their quality … Summary | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cause of multiple sclerosis Until today the cause of multiple sclerosis has not been thoroughly researched, only theories can be put forward. Relevant in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis are the so-called myelin sheaths. Like fatty tubes, these sheath the nerves in sections. The function of the myelin sheaths is to accelerate the transmission of … Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis Depending on the patient, the course of multiple sclerosis can vary and can be more severe in some cases and milder in others. In the relapsing-remitting form (the most common form of multiple sclerosis), the symptoms decrease completely after the relapses. This is the most favorable course for the patient, as … Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy In terms of gender, multiple sclerosis affects women more often than men. This raises the question of whether pregnancy is also possible without complaints in cases of diagnosed multiple sclerosis. As already mentioned, the multiple Sklerose is not inherited to the child.Only the predisposition would be present, but it is not … Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Physiotherapy COPD

In the treatment of COPD, physiotherapy plays a very important role alongside drug treatment. Using various treatment methods, specially trained physiotherapists try to strengthen the patient’s respiratory muscles, alleviate coughing attacks and mobilize solid bronchial mucus. This should optimize the effect of the medication and help the patient to better deal with the disease in … Physiotherapy COPD