Stomach Pain during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women complain of headaches and nausea. In numerous cases, however, stomach pain is also a constant companion. The reasons are different. Above all, the cause of stomach pain lies in the area of physical change. Nevertheless, stomach pains during pregnancy should by no means be ignored. Very well, serious backgrounds can also be responsible for occurring stomach pain.

No rarity: stomach pain in pregnancy

Under stomach pain is described that pain, which is localized in the upper abdomen or in the stomach area. However, even if the localized pain is in the stomach area, it does not mean that the stomach actually hurts or causes pain. Sometimes it is also neighboring organs such as the gall bladder or love, which can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. The pain can be stabbing, burning, pulling, sharp or even cramping, occur spontaneously or sometimes last for several days. In many cases, a feeling of pressure or fullness, an early feeling of satiety or heartburn are constant companions of the stomach pain. Pregnant women complain about stomach pain again and again. Whether it is after eating or after a change of position – stomach pain during pregnancy is definitely not uncommon. The causes are varied and not always harmless.

Causes of harmless stomach pain

Pregnancy represents a feat for the body. Finally, numerous physical processes are activated from the beginning, which subsequently ensure that the organism is converted to the pregnancy and then prepared for the birth. This transition is not always free of complaints, especially at the beginning. Around one third of women complain of nausea and vomiting, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes headaches also occur and, as the pregnancy progresses, flatulence, constipation and heartburn can become constant companions. There are many reasons why pregnancy affects the digestive system or gastrointestinal tract. On the one hand, it is due to hormonal changes. Progesterone increases, which at the beginning of pregnancy causes the digestive system to become more sluggish. Due to the fact that food is transported very slowly through the entire digestive tract, flatulence and constipation are the result. Sometimes these are also the reasons why pregnant women report stomach pains. This is because if food is not removed from the stomach quickly, stomach pain can develop or even stomach cramps can occur. Painful and burning heartburn can also be the result. This is because the muscular ring responsible for regulating the entrance of the esophagus to the stomach no longer closes properly and, as a result, stomach acid can rise into the esophagus. Cramping pain can also originate from the uterine ligaments. The uterine ligaments, two bands of muscle that hold the uterus in place, stretch. The uterus grows larger and the ligaments must stretch; a process that can also be perceived as painful. This pain occurs mainly in the lower abdomen, although it may also radiate to the upper abdomen. It happens again and again that such pains are also described as stomach pains. As the child grows larger and the uterus also grows, the surrounding organs have less and less space. The gastrointestinal tract in particular becomes constricted, so that – depending on the position in which the child is lying – enormous pressure can be exerted on the stomach. Flatulence, constipation and stomach pain are the result. Even the movements of the unborn child – kicks – can be perceived as stomach pain.

When it gets dangerous: Causes of acute, severe stomach pain

But stomach pain during pregnancy is not always harmless. Especially if the pregnant woman suddenly suffers from acute and very severe pain, you should see a doctor. If other complaints – such as vomiting, fever or nausea – are also present, one must assume that there are no typical pregnancy reasons. Stomach ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, pleura or gall bladder are possible.Sometimes gallstones can also cause severe stomach pain or pain in the stomach area. HELLP syndrome can also be responsible for severe pain. HELLP syndrome is one of the most severe forms of preeclampsia and results from liver dysfunction. The abbreviation HELLP is made up of the following terms: H stands for hemolysis (blood drop), EL for markedly elevated liver function tests, and LP for low platelet counts. Classic symptoms of HELLP syndrome are severe pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, and also vomiting and diarrhea. Subsequently, the pregnant woman also suffers from high blood pressure. If those complaints occur, a doctor must be contacted immediately!

What to do for stomach pain during pregnancy

Smaller, but more frequent meals, which are rich in fiber, can alleviate stomach pain or prevent such pain. In pregnancy, one should furthermore also avoid greasy, very strongly spiced food or spicy food. It is important that the pregnant woman also takes time for her food and does not gorge.

Stomach upset may occur

In many cases, it is harmless causes that cause stomach pain. As a rule, it is due to hormonal changes or even the growing child, so that women suffer from stomach pain. Only if other complaints – such as nausea, fever, high blood pressure and acute pain – also occur, a doctor should be contacted.