Therapy | Lipoma on the thigh

Therapy A lipoma on the thigh does not need to be treated in most cases, as it does not cause pain or other symptoms. However, if it spreads to joints or nerves of the affected leg, surgical therapy may be necessary. There is no adequate conservative therapy for treatment. However, most surgical procedures to remove … Therapy | Lipoma on the thigh

Lipoma on the thigh

Definition A lipoma is a benign fat tumor, which in most cases is located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. They are small, slow-growing, elastic nodules that can vary greatly in size. The lipomas are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue that separates the nodule from the rest of the tissue. The small fat nodules … Lipoma on the thigh

Lipomas on the face and forehead

Introduction Lipomas are benign tumors that develop from cells of fatty tissue (adipocytes). They are therefore also called adipose tissue tumors. They are among the most common benign soft tissue tumors of the skin. Lipomas occur in the subcutaneous fatty tissue located directly under the epidermis and dermis. Therefore, they are usually palpable and visible … Lipomas on the face and forehead

Lipoma on arm

Lipomas, also known as fatty tissue tumors, are among the most common tumors of soft tissue and are almost always benign. They occur mainly on the trunk, arms and legs. In the vast majority of cases, lipomas remain asymptomatic and are only discovered by those affected when they are large enough to be palpated through … Lipoma on arm

Diagnosis | Lipoma on arm

Diagnosis As a rule, your dermatologist will already recognize a lipoma by means of a glance or touch diagnosis. Mostly it is of soft consistency, well palpable, lobed and easily movable. Sometimes, however, the fat nodes may feel rather rough and hard. Their size ranges from the size of a pea to the size of … Diagnosis | Lipoma on arm

Prognosis | Lipoma on arm

Prognosis Lipomas only very rarely degenerate into malignant tumors. Above a certain size or unfavorable localization, such as above a skin nerve on the forearm, pain or functional impairment can be observed. In almost all cases, however, the removal of the tumor will result in the absence of symptoms. All articles in this series: Lipoma … Prognosis | Lipoma on arm

Lipoma in the breast

Definition A lipoma is a benign fat tumor that develops from the adipose tissue or fat cells (adipocytes). It is usually enclosed in a capsule of connective tissue and thus well separated from the surrounding tissue. Lipomas are counted among the group of soft tissue tumors. They are usually located in subcutaneous fatty tissue directly … Lipoma in the breast

Symptoms | Lipoma in the breast

Symptoms Mostly lipomas in the breast do not show any particular symptoms. They are only to be felt as lumps under the skin and are usually soft and movable. They do not normally cause any pain. Only in certain situations, such as when direct pressure is applied or certain movements in which the lipoma is … Symptoms | Lipoma in the breast

Therapy | Lipoma in the breast

Therapy The common lipoma requires no further therapy. It can only be removed surgically if it visually disturbs the affected person, if it is located on a body part where it causes pain or if it is very large.Other methods such as dietary changes, massage or special creams have not been scientifically proven to prevent … Therapy | Lipoma in the breast