Home remedy for low blood pressure

Introduction Low blood pressure is a common disease, but it usually goes unnoticed. However, there are some people in whom low blood pressure is unpleasantly noticeable in various situations through symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, tiredness or a high pulse. The reasons for this are varied and not always clearly identifiable. The actual cause can … Home remedy for low blood pressure

What do licorice roots do? | Home remedy for low blood pressure

What do licorice roots do? The liquorice root contains a molecule that acts like a drug in the human body to increase blood pressure. Thus, the consumption of licorice root can effectively stabilize the blood pressure at a higher level for some time. However, the effect lasts only as long as the molecule is in … What do licorice roots do? | Home remedy for low blood pressure

What to do for stomach pain and nausea? | Stomach cramps – what to do?

What to do for stomach pain and nausea? Stomach pain and nausea can have various causes. Depending on the cause, an appropriate treatment is carried out. Stomach pain and nausea can be caused by gastritis, for example. This is treated with stomach acid inhibitors and, if necessary, antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor. … What to do for stomach pain and nausea? | Stomach cramps – what to do?