Lumboischialgia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is lumboischialgia? Medical professionals refer to lumboischialgia as pain that starts in the lower back and radiates to the lower extremity. Typically, the pain affects only one side, one half of the buttocks and one leg. In addition to the pain, other symptoms are possible, such as sensory disturbances. Lumboischialgia must be distinguished from … Lumboischialgia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Nerve root inflammation

Definiton A nerve root inflammation, also called radiculopathy, radiculitis or root neuritis, describes the damage and irritation of a nerve root at the spine. A pair of nerve roots emerges between each vertebra: One pair each on the left and right. The nerve root can be damaged at this exit point. This can be an … Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine Inflammations of the nerve roots in the area of the cervical spine are often very unpleasant and sometimes associated with very severe pain. Depending on the site of the inflammation, the affected persons have tension in the neck, shoulder or between the shoulder blades. The tension can be … Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Back pain in the middle back

Pain in the middle back is generally defined as all pain that is located in the area of the flanks, i.e. the lower ribs on the back. These pains in the middle back are a growing burden on more and more patients and can have different origins. In most cases, the cause is found quickly … Back pain in the middle back

TumorCancer | Causes of back pain

TumorCancer As in almost all areas of the body, tumors (neurinoma or meningioma) can be found in the spinal column. These tumors and, in unfavorable cases, their metastases (= daughter tumors) can sometimes cause considerable back pain. It is very rare that back pain is caused by cancer. If the reason for the back pain … TumorCancer | Causes of back pain

Ignition | Causes of back pain

Ignition Inflammations in the respective areas of the back can also be the cause of underlying back pain. The cause of such an inflammation is usually based on bacterial pus foci (= abscesses) in the area of the nerve roots and the spinal cord. In addition, purulent changes in the area of the spinal column … Ignition | Causes of back pain

Causes of back pain

Introduction Back pain can have many causes. We would like to discuss many possible causes in our following topic. Possible causes of lumbar back pain If you are looking for a cause of back pain, you will quickly come across a very long list. In general, a distinction is made between organic (physical) and psychosomatic … Causes of back pain