
Products Methamphetamine is no longer registered as a drug in many countries. Pervitin has been out of commerce for some time. Methamphetamine is one of the narcotics and is subject to more stringent prescription requirements, but it is not a banned substance. In principle, medicines could be prepared in pharmacies as a magisterial prescription. In … Methamphetamine

Androgenetic Alopecia in Women

Symptoms Increasing diffuse thinning of the hair occurs in the area of the middle parting. In this case, unlike androgenetic alopecia in men, not all hair is lost, but the scalp becomes visible over time. Often, a densely hairy strip remains frontally above the forehead. Dense hair is also still found on the sides and … Androgenetic Alopecia in Women


Products Tinidazole (Fasigyn, 500 mg) is no longer available as a finished drug in many countries. It had been approved since 1973. Drugs containing the active ingredient can be imported from abroad or prepared in a pharmacy as an extemporaneous preparation. A substitute is metronidazole (Flagyl, generic). Structure and properties Tinidazole (C8H13N3O4S, Mr = 247.3 … Tinidazole

Larva Migrans Cutanea

Symptoms The disease is commonly seen on the lower extremities and buttocks and manifests as intensely itchy, reddened, straight or curved ducts in the skin that grow regularly in one direction. The infestation may persist for weeks to months without treatment, and older ducts become crusted over time. Complications include secondary infections and skin afflictions. … Larva Migrans Cutanea


Products Dexamphetamine was reapproved in many countries in 2020 in tablet form (Attentin). Dexamine tablets (5 mg, Streuli) are no longer available. Also available is the prodrug lisdexamphetamine (Elvanse). Drugs containing dexamphetamine are also prepared as an extemporaneous prescription in a pharmacy or ordered by pharmacies from specialized service providers. Dexamphetamine is a narcotic and … Dexamphetamine