Protection from Skin Aging: General Tips on Sun Protection

General information about sun protection Sunscreen should be applied from UV index 3-5. Sunscreen should not be massaged in.The more a sunscreen is rubbed and massaged in, the worse the sun protection. After a vigorous massage, the skin is almost as unprotected as without sunscreen.The reason is that the UV filter acts only on the … Protection from Skin Aging: General Tips on Sun Protection

Skin Damage

What damage can the skin take from the sun? The main cause of skin aging is the sun’s rays! All skin sections – epidermis, corium and subcutaneous fatty tissue – age due to ultraviolet light. The UV rays release reactive oxygen compounds (ROS) – see also oxidative stress. This leads, among other things, to DNA … Skin Damage

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

In seborrheic eczema (synonyms: Dermatitis seborrhoica capitis; Dermatitis seborrhoica infantum; Eczema, seborrheic; Unna’s disease; Seborrheic dermatitis; ICD-10 L21.-: Seborrheic eczema) is a greasy, scaly inflammation of the skin. It occurs mainly in areas of the skin where there are many sebaceous glands, such as on the hairy head, face and trunk. Different forms can be … Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

Ephelides: Freckles

Ephelides (colloquially called freckles; ephelides: Greek ἔφηλις – ephelis, in plural ephelides from Gr. epi – ἐπί “at” and hēlios – ἥλιος; synonyms: summer spots; in Austria also Gugerschecken/Gugaschecken or Guckerschecken, in Switzerland also Märzen- or Laubflecken; ICD-10 L81.2.: ephelides. Incl: Freckles) are more pigmented, small yellowish and brownish spots on the skin. They occur, … Ephelides: Freckles

Eyebrow Pencil

The eyebrow pencil emphasizes the shape and color of your eyebrows and gives them a natural-looking contour. Choose a shade that matches your natural eyebrow color: Blue eyes: these should not be affected by a too dark eyebrow color. Recommendable are rather lighter shades of brown. Green eyes: light brown, which has a small green … Eyebrow Pencil

Nutrition Recommendations

However, despite a rich, wholesome food supply, an adequate individual vital substance supply is not always guaranteed. Insufficient vital substance supply may be due to improper food preparation, for example, or may be caused by an individual vital substance excess requirement. This is not only noticeable through physical condition disturbances such as a decrease in … Nutrition Recommendations

Acne Vulgaris: Acne

In acne vulgaris (synonyms: Acne; Acne vulgaris; Contact acne; Cosmetic acne; Majorca acne; ICD-10 L70.0: Acne vulgaris) is a skin disease that usually occurs during puberty. Increased numbers of comedones (blackheads) form, from which papules, pustules and nodules then develop. The facial and upper trunk areas are particularly affected. Acne is the most common dermatological … Acne Vulgaris: Acne

Hemangioma: Blood Sponge

Infant hemangioma Infantile hemangioma (SH; blood sponge of the infant/newborn; synonym: infantile hemangioma) is a congenital vascular tumor that occurs in the first days or weeks/months after birth. The small vessels of the skin, the capillaries, form tangle-like growths and bulges. Sex ratio: boys to girls is 1: 3. The prevalence (disease frequency) is 4-5% … Hemangioma: Blood Sponge

Drugs and Sunscreen

What are the links between sun and medication use? Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking medications if they increase photosensitivity. Some medications (steroids, hormones) in particular cause hyperpigmentation, which is increased by sunlight. A typical example is the contraceptive pill: in combination with sun rays, brown spots appear. The same pigmentation disorders … Drugs and Sunscreen

Covering eye rings

Circles under the eyes generally refer to discoloration of the skin below the orbit (eye socket). In principle, only the blood vessels and the blood flowing through them under the skin can be seen. Depending on the composition of the blood, the skin may appear darker than usual. Cause The most common causes of dark … Covering eye rings