Homeopathy for flatulence

Flatulence is a sign of an aggravated digestive process of the gastrointestinal tract. Gas accumulates, which can largely escape unnoticed because it is odorless. However, if the gas cannot escape, an inflated stomach is formed, which is also called meteorism. The escape of larger quantities of malodorous gas is called flatulence. Both forms of flatulence … Homeopathy for flatulence

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for flatulence

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: Mama natura® Bellilin® tablets contain four different homeopathic ingredients. These include Effect: Mama natura® Bellilin® tablets reduce the feeling of fullness and bloated stomach. They also stabilize the function of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the escape of intestinal air. Dosage: For adults, a dosage of one … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for flatulence

Mandragora e radiceAlraune | Homeopathy for winter depressions

Mandragora e radiceAlraune Nocturnal intestinal cramps after heavy meals. Fasting pain in the stomach, improves by bending backwards. In general, the symptoms improve with warmth, lying down and rest. Pain in the limbs improves with continued movement. Winter depressions with irritability, unwillingness to work, lack of interest, lack of concentration up to apathy and drowsiness, … Mandragora e radiceAlraune | Homeopathy for winter depressions

Platinum metallicumMetallic platinum | Homeopathy for winter depressions

Platinum metallicumMetallic platinum The state of mind improves outdoors, in the fresh air. Depressed mood, anxiety and melancholy that can suddenly turn into exuberance or irritability Overbearing and arrogant towards other people, little compassion Headache slowly increasing and decreasing. The complaints slowly increase and also decrease again All pain has a lacing and cramping character. … Platinum metallicumMetallic platinum | Homeopathy for winter depressions

Homeopathy for winter depressions

Do you suffer from winter depression? Psychologically, anxiety, fear, melancholy, and depression are in the foreground The patient is initially performance-oriented, characterized by physical and mental activity. This activity changes into desperate, brooding melancholy, self-accusation, suicidal thoughts. Memory weakness accompanies depression Sensitive to cold Frequently high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis Aurum iodate Sensitive to cold … Homeopathy for winter depressions

Mandragora e radice

Other term Mandrake Use of Mandragora e radice for the following symptoms Catarrh of the upper airways Numbness all over the body Constrictions and spasms of the small vessels (white fingertips) Cold hands and cold feet Hot head Circulatory weakness with cold welding Nightly heart stitches with radiance to the left arm Feeling of fullness … Mandragora e radice