Homeopathy for winter depressions

Do you suffer from winter depression?

  • Psychologically, anxiety, fear, melancholy, and depression are in the foreground
  • The patient is initially performance-oriented, characterized by physical and mental activity. This activity changes into desperate, brooding melancholy, self-accusation, suicidal thoughts.
  • Memory weakness accompanies depression
  • Sensitive to cold
  • Frequently high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis

Aurum iodate

  • Sensitive to cold
  • Pronounced arteriosclerosis
  • The depressive moods are somewhat alleviated (in contrast to Aurum metallicum)

Hypericum perforatumSt. John’s wort

As soon as winter depressions occur due to calcification of the brain vessels, Hypericum must be considered as a homeopathic remedy. Even if they develop after a concussion.

  • General tendency to melancholy and crying, tired, tired, sleepy
  • Very sensitive to cold
  • Blood rush to the head
  • In case of injuries, patients tend to feel numb in the affected areas of the body

Acidum phosphoricumPhosphoric acid

All complaints are aggravated at night and by cold, they are improved by warmth.

  • Mental upset, apathy, daytime sleepiness and concentration problems
  • Insomnia, frequent headaches with blood rush to the head
  • Feeling of exhaustion in muscles and joints
  • Great physical and mental weakness.


Winter depressions that occur during the menopause, hysterical and depressive basic attitude. Motor restless, cannot sit still, has to walk around, unfocused. Often headaches as if a wedge was driven into the head from behind.

In the abdomen a feeling of “pushing down”. Cimicifuga very often has rheumatic joint complaints in the menopause. Underfunction of the thyroid gland can also cause depressive moods, accompanied by nervous heart problems.

Ignatia Ignatius bean

Contradictoriness is also shown in the symptoms, for example headaches improve by bending down, stomach aches and nausea improve by eating. Complaints worsen after grief and fright, crying cramps, globular feeling in the throat, like a lump. Complaints worsen after every physical and mental effort and after excitement, as well as after grief, fright and fear.

  • Depressive mood with irritable weakness, increased excitability, great moodiness, self-reproach and tearfulness
  • Feeling of weakness in the stomach
  • Temple headache as if a nail was driven in