Platinum metallicumMetallic platinum | Homeopathy for winter depressions

Platinum metallicumMetallic platinum

The state of mind improves outdoors, in the fresh air.

  • Depressed mood, anxiety and melancholy that can suddenly turn into exuberance or irritability
  • Overbearing and arrogant towards other people, little compassion
  • Headache slowly increasing and decreasing. The complaints slowly increase and also decrease again
  • All pain has a lacing and cramping character.


The symptoms worsen in the dark, but also in too bright light.

  • Depressive mood with fear and anxiety, great excitement, loquaciousness
  • Desire for light and for company
  • Hot face, bright red and sweaty.

Further information about winter depression is also available under our topic:

  • Depression
  • Homeopathy for depression
  • Homeopathy for nerve pain