Allergies in the family | Maternal problems during the lactation period

Allergies in the family Especially for babies at risk of allergies it is important to exclusively breastfeed for six months! It has been proven that the severity and occurrence of an allergy (e.g. asthma) can be significantly reduced. If breastfeeding is not possible, feeding with hypoallergenic infant milk (H. A. food) is recommended. Homeopathy for … Allergies in the family | Maternal problems during the lactation period

Mastitis puerperalis

Definition Mastitis puerperalis is an inflammation of the female breast caused by bacteria and occurs during breastfeeding after pregnancy. “Mastitis” is Latin and means translated “inflammation of the mammary gland”, whereas “Puerpera” means “puerperal bed”. The inflammation can be stronger or weaker, depending on the pathogen that causes it and the accompanying factors. Thus, the … Mastitis puerperalis

Mastopathy | Benign breast tumors

Mastopathy The term mastopathy (Greek mastos = breast, pathos = suffering) covers a variety of diseases of the mammary glands that change the original breast tissue. The cause is a hormonal dysregulation.Presumably, this is primarily a shift in the estrogen-progesterone balance in favor of estrogen. Mastopathies are the most common disease of the female breast … Mastopathy | Benign breast tumors

Risks of breast augmentation

Nowadays breast augmentation is a routine procedure. However, as with any surgical procedure, some risks and complications cannot be completely excluded. In general, a distinction is made between two different types of risks: Postoperative complications are again divided into early complications, late complications and aesthetic problems. – Risks for complications that occur during breast surgery … Risks of breast augmentation