What is your skin type?

Introduction The different skin types are classified according to their different sensitivity to sunlight and their external appearance (phenotype). In addition to skin color, differences in eye and hair color are also criteria that are taken into account when defining the skin type. In the classic classification there are four different skin types. Skin type … What is your skin type?

Skin types according to Fitzpatrick | What is your skin type?

Skin types according to Fitzpatrick A revised classification of the different skin types was created by the American dermatologist Fitzpatrick. He classified the different skin types according to their sensitivity to light, as well as their appearance and tanning reaction to sunlight. The original classification of skin types 1-4 was supplemented by types 5 and … Skin types according to Fitzpatrick | What is your skin type?

Keratins: Function & Diseases

Keratins are special substances. They are found in human and also in animal organisms. The name “keratin” comes from the Greek and means “horn”. Therefore, the amino acids important for the body are also called horn cells. What are keratins? The umbrella term “keratins” covers various hydrophobic fibrous proteins that are the main component of … Keratins: Function & Diseases

Pigment spots after pregnancy | Pigment spots on the face

Pigment spots after pregnancy In many pregnant women the nipples temporarily darken during pregnancy and the typical brown line from navel to pubic bone (Linea nigra) forms. Likewise, sharp, irregularly bordered pigmentation marks on the face can also occur. These pigment spots, known as pregnancy mask (chloasma), are caused by hormonal fluctuations. They are mainly … Pigment spots after pregnancy | Pigment spots on the face

Degeneration of pigment spots | Pigment spots on the face

Degeneration of pigment spots In the vast majority of cases, pigmentation marks on the face are harmless pigmentation disorders. In some cases, however, they can also be the expression of a malignant process or degenerate over time. It is often difficult for laypersons to judge whether this is the case, which is why people with … Degeneration of pigment spots | Pigment spots on the face

Pigment disorder of the neck

Introduction Pigment disorders can occur anywhere on the body. If they occur on the neck, they are often visible and therefore disturbing for the patient. Hyperpigmentation (melasma) is often found on the neck, i.e. pigmentation disorders that manifest themselves as increased pigmentation of the skin. Hypopigmentation, i.e. “under-pigmentation” and thus lighter areas of the skin, … Pigment disorder of the neck


Introduction Melanin is a color pigment and therefore responsible for our skin color, hair color and the color of our eyes. Depending on how much melanin these structures contain, we have a lighter or darker skin type. Besides melanin, heredity also plays a role here. Melanin is produced from an amino acid with the help … Melanin

Melanin in the skin | Melanin

Melanin in the skin Melanin is the brownish to black color pigment in the human skin. There it is produced in certain cells, the so-called melanocytes. The production of melanin is stimulated by the UV rays in the sun and by a hormone produced by the body itself. There are two different forms of melanin … Melanin in the skin | Melanin