Torn ligament diagnosis | Torn ligament at the knee – treatment and important

Torn ligament diagnosis A torn ligament in the knee is usually diagnosed quickly. At the beginning there is a questioning of the patient (anamnesis), in which the character and localization of pain and other symptoms are asked. The knee is also inspected (closely observed). Swelling and bruising are examined. In most cases, a triggering event … Torn ligament diagnosis | Torn ligament at the knee – treatment and important

Prophylaxis of a torn ligament | Torn ligament at the knee – treatment and important

Prophylaxis of a torn ligament Since a torn ligament in the knee is usually caused by accidents, prophylaxis is not easy. However, one can effectively minimize the risk of such an injury. For example, risky sports should be practiced with bandages or pads on the knee; trained knee muscles also play a central role. If … Prophylaxis of a torn ligament | Torn ligament at the knee – treatment and important