Chickenpox (Varicella)

Symptoms The disease begins with symptoms similar to a cold or flu, with elevated temperature, fever, feeling sick, weakness, and fatigue. Within about 24 hours, the typical rash appears all over the body and develops within a few days. It is initially blotchy and then filled blisters form, which break open and crust over. The … Chickenpox (Varicella)


Structure As menthol (C10H20O, r = 156.3 g/mol) is the naturally occurring (-)- or L-menthol (levomenthol, levomentholum). The European Pharmacopoeia contains two monographs: 1. menthol Levomentholum 2. racemic menthol Mentholum racemicum Menthol is a cyclic monoterpene alcohol. It has three asymmetric carbon atoms and occurs in four diastereomeric enantiomer pairs. Stem plants Menthol is found … Menthol