Which diseases are associated with oxidative stress? | What is oxidative stress?

Which diseases are associated with oxidative stress? There are numerous diseases which are said to be related to oxidative stress. The first of these are cardiovascular diseases. Thus it is assumed that high oxidative stress can lead to increased cholesterol values (hypercholesterolemia), calcification of the vessels (atherosclerosis) and chronic high blood pressure. Furthermore, oxidative stress … Which diseases are associated with oxidative stress? | What is oxidative stress?


Synonyms Disturbance of heme synthesisPorphyria are a series of metabolic diseases in which the structure (synthesis) of a part of the transporter for oxygen in the blood (heme in hemoglobin) is disturbed. Introduction In the body, thousands of metabolic steps are carried out by enzymes that enable (catalyze) biochemical reactions. If, either due to hereditary … Porphyria

Symptoms | Porphyria

Symptoms The different porphyrias are mainly classified according to the type and location of symptoms into liver-associated (hepatic), red blood cell formation-related (erythropoietic), skin-associated (cutaneous), non-skin-associated (non-cutaneous), and acute and non-acute porphyrias. Many porphyrias are characterized by long inconspicuous phases and are sometimes only discovered in later decades of life. Mild forms often remain hidden … Symptoms | Porphyria

Therapy | Porphyria

Therapy No causal therapy currently exists for any type of porphyria. Within a relapse, the symptoms can be alleviated by the administration of hemin. This makes the body believe that there is a sufficient amount of heme, and thus leads to less of the unwanted (and responsible for the symptoms) precursors of heme being formed. … Therapy | Porphyria


Definition Xanthelasmas Xanthelasma is a yellowish plaque caused by lipid deposits (lipids are fats, especially cholesterol) in the upper and lower eyelid. They are harmless, in no case contagious and are not hereditary, although they can occur more frequently in families. When do Xanthelasmas occur? Xanthelasma can occur at any age, but is most common … Xanthelasma

Uveitis therapy | Uveitis

Uveitis therapy To prevent permanent damage, the inflammation should be quickly and effectively relieved by an ophthalmologist. In most cases, the anti-inflammatory drug cortisone is used for this purpose, and substances for immunosuppression (attenuation of the immune system) are also used. Depending on the cause, treatment should be continued afterwards and other chronic inflammations in … Uveitis therapy | Uveitis

Forms of uveitis | Uveitis

Forms of uveitis Uveitis is an inflammation of the vascular skin. It consists of different structures. The iris refers only to the iris. In case of an inflammation (iritis) only this structure is affected. However, similar to anterior, intermedia and posterior uveitis, this disease is more common in systemic diseases and autoimmune diseases such as … Forms of uveitis | Uveitis


Introduction An inflammation of the middle skin of the eye (uvea), which in turn is divided into three layers, is called uveitis. Every year 50,000 people fall ill with uveitis anew, and about 500,000 people currently suffer from this dangerous disease. The risk of infection is relatively low, but possible consequential damage of uveitis is … Uveitis

Removal of xanthelasma

Introduction Xanthelasmas are deposits of fat in the skin around the eyelid. Removal is only medically indicated in the case of impaired vision and is therefore considered a cosmetic operation which is not covered by the health insurance and therefore has to be paid for by the patient. Cosmetically disturbing xanthelasma can be removed both … Removal of xanthelasma

When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? | Removal of xanthelasma

When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? The removal of xanthelasma is equivalent to a cosmetic treatment. It is not part of the medical services. Therefore the costs are not paid by the statutory health insurance companies. However, it is possible that privately insured persons may receive reimbursement. If … When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? | Removal of xanthelasma