Malignant Hyperthermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Malignant hyperthermia is a rare but life-threatening complication of anesthesia. It is triggered by various trigger substances, including some anesthetic agents, when a genetic predisposition is present. What is malignant hyperthermia? The cause of malignant hyperthermia is a genetic alteration of receptors in skeletal muscle. Normally, skeletal muscle contracts by releasing calcium ions from the … Malignant Hyperthermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Rheumatologist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

A so-called rheumatologist is a specially trained specialist. A rheumatologist primarily treats chronic diseases, which are based on an auto-immune disease, as part of his work. What is a rheumatologist? A rheumatologist, as part of his or her practice, primarily treats chronic diseases that are based on auto-immune disease. The basic knowledge of rheumatology is … Rheumatologist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Diabetes insipidus

Synonyms in a broader sense Water urinary dysentery Definition Diabetes insipidus is the reduced ability of the kidneys to produce concentrated urine when there is a lack of water, i.e. when the body has too little fluid. One can distinguish between a central and a renal form (cause located in the kidney). Summary Diabetes insipidus … Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis There are essentially two options available for the clinical diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In both cases the urinosmolarity is measured, i.e. the concentration of urine. On the one hand, the so-called thirst test is available to physicians. However, this is based on the cooperation of the patient. In the thirst test, which should last … Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory There are various laboratory values and urine parameters that allow a differential diagnosis between a diabtes insipitus renalis or a diabetes insipitus centralis and other urinary concentration disorders. The main symptoms are a decreased sodium concentration and a reduced osmolality of the urine. This is due to the increased excretion of water and thus … Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

Fabry’s disease symptoms, causes and treatment

What is Fabry’s disease? Fabry disease (Fabry syndrome, Fabry disease or Fabry-Anderson disease) is a rare metabolic disease in which an enzyme defect is caused by a gene mutation. The consequence is a reduced breakdown of metabolic products and their increased storage in the cell. As a result, the cell is damaged and dies. As … Fabry’s disease symptoms, causes and treatment

The diagnosis | Fabry’s disease symptoms, causes and treatment

The diagnosis Fabry disease is not always easy to diagnose, and patients often have a long history of suffering before symptoms can be attributed to Fabry disease. It often takes several years for a doctor to make the correct diagnosis. If Fabry disease is suspected, the doctor makes the diagnosis by means of a series … The diagnosis | Fabry’s disease symptoms, causes and treatment

Weight Control during Pregnancy

The topic of weight plays a supporting role in pregnancy. Is a weight gain of ten kilograms okay? What weight gain is normal, too much or even too little? Doctors always carry out weight checks during pregnancy. These have mainly the background that the expectant mother does not endanger her and also the health of … Weight Control during Pregnancy