
Narcotics (e.g. opioids used in doping) are primarily understood to be the active substance group of morphine and its chemical relatives. These substances primarily have analgesic and euphoric effects. These two factors mean that pain arising in the musculoskeletal system can be better tolerated under maximum stress. However, the body’s own pain signals are important … Narcotic


General information Ephedrine is used in many medicines to treat colds and asthma. There have been many cases of unintentional doping, in which the active ingredient ephedrine has been found in athletes who have actually caught a cold. Thus, ephedrine, similar to caffeine, is tolerated at a limit concentration. The limit is 10 μg/ml urine. … Ephedrine


Definition A generally valid definition of doping is not very easy. The definition must be clear and must not leave any room for interpretation. The IOC’s definition of doping therefore includes the term prohibited groups of active substances in order to automatically prohibit newly developed substances based on their group of active substances. Doping is … Doping

Interesting example | Doping

Interesting example The altitude training causes the increase of the hematocrit value of the blood in a similar way as the intake of erytropoietin. The latter counts as doping, but not altitude training. This should give food for thought to the existing doping discussion. The justification for banning the use of prohibited, performance-enhancing substances is … Interesting example | Doping


Opioids, such as fentanyl, are used in sports as a drug for doping. The aim is not to directly increase performance, but rather to suppress the pain-induced cessation of exercise. Opioids are differentiated into endogenous opioids, which the organism releases in pain situations, and external to guided opioids for therapeutic treatment or abusive treatment in … Opioids

Active substances in doping

Doping, anabolic steroids, growth hormones, steroids, steroid hormones, beta-2 agonists, diuretics Here you will find detailed information on Anabolic steroids Epo Beta – 2- agonists The beta- 2- agonists (e.g. clenbuterol) also belong today to the group of prohibited doping substances. In 1993, the IOC put this substance on the doping list. The beta- 2- … Active substances in doping

Doping in sport

First of all, it should be mentioned that the prohibited substances listed below are not substances specifically developed for sport, but are a misuse of special drugs as doping. In addition to the performance-enhancing effect, health hazards and detectability are the criteria for inclusion in the doping list. In the case of peptide hormones and … Doping in sport

Advantages | Epidural anaesthesia

Advantages The advantages are simply that the patient is free of pain. Even after an operation, the pain can be eliminated, the patient is thus faster on his legs and rehabilitation can be achieved more quickly. Gentle behaviour or a relieving posture in the affected body part is avoided, which means that normal function can … Advantages | Epidural anaesthesia

Epidural anaesthesia

Introduction Pain is a major topic in all areas of medicine. In acute cases, pain can strain the circulation, aggravates the subjective experience of an illness and can also become a long-term burden. Sometimes pain can no longer be controlled with conventional medication in tablet form. It is then possible to switch from a so-called … Epidural anaesthesia

Application | Epidural anaesthesia

Application The epidural anaesthesia or the epidural catheter can be used for all procedures where a targeted elimination of pain in a specific region of the body is desired. Depending on the height of the intervention site, the pain catheter can be placed in different areas of the spine. The best known is the use … Application | Epidural anaesthesia


Caffeine (caffeine) is one of the oldest stimulants used by humans and owes its word origin to coffee. The exact name is 1,3,7- trimethyl-2,6-purindione. It is contained in tea, coffee and cola, among others, and has a stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex. Caffeine is a white powder and was first extracted from coffee in … Caffeine