Travel sickness in children/babies | Travel sickness

Travel sickness in children/babies Travel sickness often occurs in infants and children. Longer car journeys or ship crossings can therefore sometimes become a real torture for them. Infants from the age of 2 years are particularly frequently and severely affected by the travel sickness. Often this period extends approximately up to the beginning of puberty. … Travel sickness in children/babies | Travel sickness

Balance Disorders

Dizziness is experienced differently by everyone. For some it is the loss of spatial orientation, feeling of weakness or blackness before the eyes; others complain of nausea or the tendency to fall. About 38% of German citizens suffer from dizziness attacks – women more often than men. In 8% of those affected, the dizziness is … Balance Disorders


Definition Nausea is the stimulus or feeling of urgent vomiting. It is therefore a precursor or sign of vomiting. The body sends a signal with the nausea stimulus that something has been fed to it, for example, that it does not like and tries to get rid of the fed substance with the vomiting. The … Nausea

Therapy | Nausea

Therapy The nausea can be relieved with the help of medication, among other things. The antihistamine dimenhydrinate, which is known under the trade names Vomex® or Vomacur®, is particularly suitable for this. This drug can be obtained without a prescription from a pharmacy and is used both as a therapy for existing nausea and as … Therapy | Nausea


Definition Antiemetics are a group of drugs designed to suppress or prevent vomiting, nausea and nausea. The antiemetics comprise several groups of active substances that act on different receptors. Introduction Nausea is a complex process that is intended to protect the body by preventing potentially toxic substances from being vomited and entering the body. In … Antiemetics