Oral Mucositis

Symptoms Oral mucositis manifests as redness, swelling, pain, a burning sensation, aphthae, a white to yellowish coating, sores, ulceration, bleeding, and bad breath, among other symptoms. The tongue and gums may also be affected. The discomfort may increase in association with eating. Sores can be so painful that food intake is limited, which can lead … Oral Mucositis


Inflammation of the dental implant is a so-called “peri-implantitis”, in which 2 different types can be described. On the one hand there is the so-called peri-implant mucositis, in which the inflammation is limited to the mucosa surrounding the implant. On the other hand, peri-implantitis is described, which has spread to the bony implant site. Peri-implantitis … Periimplantitis

Diagnosis | Periimplantitis

Diagnosis Inflammation on a dental implant can be diagnosed by probing the gums and an X-ray. Both should be done by a dentist, which makes an appointment with him/her unavoidable. Without a professional examination, no reliable diagnosis can be made. By carefully probing with a periodontal probe, the dentist moves along the gumline of the … Diagnosis | Periimplantitis

Pain | Periimplantitis

Pain If an inflammation occurs in the area of the implant, resulting in peri-implant mucositis, the patient may feel a slight pain in touch. It is also possible that the prosthesis itself, for example the crown on the implant, hurts. Often the gums are reddened and in the case of pre-existing peri-implantitis, pus is secreted … Pain | Periimplantitis

These antibiotics are used | Periimplantitis

These antibiotics are used With the antibiotic therapy 2 different medicines became generally accepted. In the case of certain allergies and intolerances, the patient should always consult the doctor to find a suitable alternative medication. Doxycycline and minocycline (broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines). Duration The duration of a treatment cannot be predicted as … These antibiotics are used | Periimplantitis

Frequency | Inflammation on dental implant

Frequency According to recent studies, periimplantitis affects about 30% of all implant patients. Since periimplantitis is a disease of the tooth bone and can be roughly equated with periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium on the “right” tooth), patients suffer from similar symptoms. This also means that the risk of suffering from periimplantitis is increased if … Frequency | Inflammation on dental implant

Mucositis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mucositis can occur in the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract. It is caused by infections or occurs as a side effect of cancer treatment. Surgery is not necessary to treat the condition, and symptoms can be relieved with medications or natural remedies. What is mucositis? The mucous membrane, technically called mucosa, has an … Mucositis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment