Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

What is inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon? Tendinitis of the tibialis posterior tendon is an inflammation of a connective tissue area of the muscle in the posterior tibial muscle that connects the muscle to the bone. Tendovaginitis is an inflammation of the tendon’s sheath that surrounds the tendon, which is also inflamed. The tibialis … Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

Healing time | Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

Healing time The duration of tendonitis depends on the underlying cause. In the case of acute inflammation due to overloading, short-term immobilization and cooling can lead to healing within a few days. It is important, however, that you do not immediately start again at 100%, but slowly return to the original strain. In case of … Healing time | Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

Diagnosis | Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

Diagnosis The diagnosis of tendonitis is usually based on a medical history and a physical examination by a physician. Meanwhile, the doctor will perform some functional tests of the muscle and examine the area of the tendon for possible redness, swelling, overheating or pressure pain. An example of such a functional test is the isometric … Diagnosis | Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon

Function of the posterior tibialis muscle | Posterior tibial muscle

Function of the posterior tibialis muscle The functions of the muscle result mainly from the position and course of the muscle and its attachment tendon. The attachment tendon runs as already described rather on the back of the upper ankle joint toward the foot and starts at the lower side of the bones there. This … Function of the posterior tibialis muscle | Posterior tibial muscle