Nail fungus on finger

Synonyms Onychomycosis Finger, Dermatophytosis FingerThe term “nail fungus” refers to the infection of the nail substance with a rapidly growing fungus. The infection can occur on the fingers as well as on the toes. Introduction Fungal diseases in general and nail fungus on the fingernail in particular are a widespread phenomenon. On average, it can … Nail fungus on finger

Nail fungus

Synonyms Nail mycosis Onchomycosis Definition A nail fungus is an infection or infestation of the nail bed by a fungus. The cause of nail fungus is an infestation of the nail bed by so-called dermatophytes – a fungal species with names such as trichophyton or epidermophyton. In addition to skin fungi, there are also yeast … Nail fungus

Treatment | Nail fungus

Treatment The treatment of nail fungus varies according to the stage and extent of the disease. Affected patients do not always have to resort immediately to expensive medication. Especially in case of light infestation, household remedies such as apple vinegar, baking powder or toothpaste are a good alternative to conventional treatment. In general, if nail … Treatment | Nail fungus

Summary | Nail fungus

Summary Nail fungus infections are mostly caused by so-called dermatophytes, which can stay and multiply especially in humid, warm areas. It is the spores that can then settle on the nail bed and can lead to annoying infections. Especially in swimming pools and saunas there is an increased risk of infection. Indications of a nail … Summary | Nail fungus