Can folic acid deficiency lead to weight gain? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Can folic acid deficiency lead to weight gain? Sweating is not one of the typical symptoms caused by a folic acid deficiency. However, sweating and sensitivity to heat often occur in cases of hyperthyroidism. This in turn can lead to a folic acid deficiency. Is depression related to a folic acid deficiency? Various studies have … Can folic acid deficiency lead to weight gain? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency As always, the first important thing is the conversation between the doctor and the patient. Afterwards an examination of the blood is essential for the diagnosis. Here, among other things, a large blood count and a blood smear are made, with which the shape of the red blood cells can … Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? During pregnancy there is a higher requirement for folic acid, as folic acid is necessary for the development of the child. It is particularly important to ensure a sufficient folic acid intake at the beginning of pregnancy. This is where the neural tube, from … What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Nail bed inflammation in the baby

Introduction Nail bed inflammation (panaritium) is an inflammation of the nail fold, the nail bed and sometimes the surrounding structures. The pathogens of this disease can be bacteria such as streptococci or staphylococci. However, it is also possible that the trigger is fungal or viral infections such as herpes. The pathogens can migrate through tiny … Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? Nail bed inflammation in babies is usually not dangerous, as it is a small, localized inflammation.However, it should be treated carefully and consistently, as nail bed inflammation can be very unpleasant and painful for babies – anyone who has had one knows that it hurts a lot … How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby

Complications | Inflammation of the toe

Complications Inflammation of the toe has few complications. In some serious cases, the symptoms may last longer and require surgical treatment. Very rarely, nail bed inflammation leads to involvement of the bones in the toe. If gout or rheumatoid arthritis remains untreated for a long time, the inflammation becomes chronic and deformations of the joints … Complications | Inflammation of the toe