Therapy | Inflammation at the heel

Therapy In order to successfully counteract Achilles tendonitis or bursitis, the focus is on consistent relief and keeping the affected foot still. In addition, the signs of inflammation can be combated by cooling and by taking anti-inflammatory pain-relieving drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or diclofenac). If this is not sufficient, treatment can be extended to … Therapy | Inflammation at the heel

Complications | Inflammation of the toe

Complications Inflammation of the toe has few complications. In some serious cases, the symptoms may last longer and require surgical treatment. Very rarely, nail bed inflammation leads to involvement of the bones in the toe. If gout or rheumatoid arthritis remains untreated for a long time, the inflammation becomes chronic and deformations of the joints … Complications | Inflammation of the toe

Associated symptoms | Pus on the toe

Associated symptoms Pus on the toe is accompanied by severe pain, redness, restricted movement, a feeling of warmth and swelling. In addition, especially at the beginning of symptoms, a feeling of pressure around the nail can be observed. All these symptoms are signs of inflammation and, especially if accompanied by pus, indicate a bacterial infection. … Associated symptoms | Pus on the toe