Neck Tension

Symptoms Neck tension manifests as neck and muscle pain and a tightening and hardening of the muscles. They result in limited range of motion. Under certain circumstances, the head can no longer be turned to the side. This condition is also known as “cervical gyration.” The pain and cramping are uncomfortable and disrupt normal daily … Neck Tension

Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? | Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? Many patients with headaches worry that a tumor could be behind their complaints. Only in a very small proportion of cases do back headaches actually indicate a serious illness. A tumor is most likely to be a possible cause when the pain … Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? | Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head

Introduction Almost everyone suffers from headaches more or less frequently in their lives. As with all headaches, including headaches in the back of the head, the causes are usually harmless and are rarely due to a dangerous or malignant disease. Causes Tension in the neck or jaw muscles is considered the most common cause of … Pain in the back of the head

Symptoms of meningitis

Introduction In the initial phase of the disease, relatively unspecific symptoms usually occur. These include flu-like symptoms such as high fever, aching limbs, headaches, as well as nausea and vomiting. Those affected complain of a severe feeling of illness. The symptoms usually develop within three to four days after infection with the pathogen. Only in … Symptoms of meningitis


Definition Sunstroke, also known as insolation, is a reaction of the body to a previously prolonged exposure to the sun on the unprotected head or neck. The main cause of symptoms such as headache or nausea is the heat transmitted by the sun’s rays, which is accompanied by increased irritation of the brain and especially … Sunstroke