The Human Brain

In numerous events, people repeatedly refer to the learning and working successes as well as the incredible complexity of our “gray cells”. Incidentally, this term refers to the ganglion cells and marrowless nerve fibers that make up the central nervous system, which are not covered with a white insulating layer – hence their grayish appearance. … The Human Brain

Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve conduction is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses at a specific rate to both directions of conduction. Conduction occurs via action potentials in salvatory excitatory conduction. In diseases such as polyneuropathy, nerve conduction is impaired. What is nerve conduction? Nerve conductance is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses … Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Symptoms of paraplegia

Symtoms Paraplegia, Paraplegia syndrome, Paraplegia lesion, Transverse syndrome Medical: Paraplegia, (spinal) Vegetative consequences of paraplegia The vegetative symptoms of paraplegia are caused by damage to the autonomic nervous system. Put simply, this affects functions that cannot be controlled arbitrarily to a large extent, but are controlled without active participation. At the beginning of a paraplegia, … Symptoms of paraplegia

Healing of paraplegia

Paraplegia, paraplegia healing, transverse syndrome Medical: Paraplegia, (spinal) Therapy of a paraplegia In the acute phase, the focus is on healing the spinal shock of paraplegia. Patients should be placed in the intensive care unit so that the heart, circulation and other organs can be constantly monitored. In principle, the healing of paraplegia naturally depends … Healing of paraplegia

Can incomplete paraplegia be cured? | Healing of paraplegia

Can incomplete paraplegia be cured? An incomplete paraplegia has in principle the same chances of recovery as a complete paraplegia. The term incomplete merely describes that, for example, the right/left half or the front/rear part of the spinal cord is damaged, but not the entire cross-section. Thus, the symptoms in clinical pictures with incomplete paraplegia … Can incomplete paraplegia be cured? | Healing of paraplegia

Symptoms of paraplegia | Paraplegia

Symptoms of paraplegia Numerous symptoms can occur in the context of paraplegia. Damage to the spinal cord leads to an interruption of the nerve tracts. These thus lose their function. Therefore, in addition to a sensitivity disorder, the musculature is also affected, resulting in paralysis. The extent of these paralyses can vary. On the one … Symptoms of paraplegia | Paraplegia


Synonyms in a broader sense Paraplegic syndrome, paraplegic lesion, transverse syndrome Medical: Paraplegia, (spinal) Definition Paraplegia is not a disease, but a combination of symptoms that occur as a result of an interruption in the nerve conduction of the spinal cord. Together with the brain, the spinal cord forms the central nervous system (CNS). It … Paraplegia