The auricle

Definition The auricle, also called auricula (lat. auris – ear), is the visible, shell-shaped and cartilaginous outer part of the outer ear and together with the external auditory canal forms the outer ear. Together with the middle ear, it forms the sound conducting apparatus of the human hearing organ. With its shell-like funnel shape and … The auricle

The cartilage | The auricle

The cartilage The cartilaginous framework of the auricle gives it its typical shape and gives it the necessary stability, while remaining elastic and soft. These properties are due to the fact that the cartilage consists of so-called elastic cartilage. This cartilage contains a particularly large number of elastic fibers made up of elastin and fibrillin. … The cartilage | The auricle

Rash around the eyes

Definition A rash that is localized around the eyes cannot be defined as an independent clinical picture. Rather, it is a kind of symptom that can be an expression of various diseases and causes. The term “skin rash” is also usually misunderstood. A skin rash (exanthema) is a generalized sowing of uniform skin changes, which … Rash around the eyes


Symptoms Dandruff is white or slightly gray in color. While dry dandruff tends to be small and small-shaped, greasy dandruff develops larger and also thicker scales due to the adhesive property of sebum. The most affected area is usually the crown of the head, while the nape of the neck usually has little or no … Dandruff


Synonyms in a broader sense dandruff, pityriasis simplex capillitii, head borrhoea, pityriasis simplex capitis On the one hand there are the dry scales. They occur in very dry scalps and occur more frequently in winter, e.g. due to the heated room air. The oily scales, on the other hand, are found in oily hair, i.e. … Shed

Prognosis | Shed

Prognosis Head dandruff is usually successfully treated within four to five weeks, even if it is caused by a fungal infection. However, it is important to ensure that the appropriate anti-dandruff shampoo is used regularly and that the cause is successfully combated and certain risk factors are avoided. All articles in this series: Shed Prognosis

Prognosis | Neurodermatitis in the crook of the arm

Prognosis Neurodermatitis in the crook of the arm occurs mainly in infants and toddlers. In many cases the skin improves significantly until school age. Neurodermatitis of the crook of the arm also occurs more rarely in older children or adults. As long as the disease persists, it usually progresses in phases. Patients who have suffered … Prognosis | Neurodermatitis in the crook of the arm