Skin rash in children

Introduction When parents suddenly observe a rash in their children, they are usually very worried. In most cases, however, harmless childhood diseases or allergic reactions to certain environmental stimuli are hidden behind the skin changes. If the rash persists for a long time or if the child develops clear symptoms of illness, such as high … Skin rash in children

Skin rash on the back

Definition A single or planar skin irritation is called exanthema. Depending on the location, it is called abdominal, trunk or even back exanthema. Skin problems in the area of the back are relatively common. The duration of the complaints can range from a few hours to even days or weeks. The skin is the largest … Skin rash on the back

Summary | Skin rash on the back

Summary Skin rashes on the back occur relatively frequently. There are numerous causes of rashes in this area. The cause is not always easy to find.In principle, one tries to combine and harmonize the possible causes, consisting of allergic reaction, toxic reaction or infectiological cause with the appearance of the skin. A classic combination would … Summary | Skin rash on the back

The auricle

Definition The auricle, also called auricula (lat. auris – ear), is the visible, shell-shaped and cartilaginous outer part of the outer ear and together with the external auditory canal forms the outer ear. Together with the middle ear, it forms the sound conducting apparatus of the human hearing organ. With its shell-like funnel shape and … The auricle