Transdermal Patches

Products Transdermal patches are approved as medicinal products. They offer themselves as an alternative to other modes of application such as peroral and parenteral administration. The first products were launched in the 1970s. Structure and properties Transdermal patches are flexible pharmaceutical preparations of varying sizes and thinness that contain one or more active ingredients. They … Transdermal Patches

Organic Nitrates

Products Nitrates are commercially available in the form of chewable capsules, transdermal patches, infusion preparations, ointment, sustained-release tablets, sustained-release capsules, and sprays. As the first representative, nitroglycerin was already produced in the 19th century and used for the treatment of angina pectoris. Nitrates are thus among the oldest synthetic drugs. Structure and properties Organic nitrates … Organic Nitrates

Nitroglycerin Capsules

Products Nitroglycerin is commercially available in many countries in the form of chewable capsules (Nitroglycerin Streuli). The active ingredient was produced and used medicinally as early as the 19th century. Structure and properties Nitroglycerin or glycerol trinitrate (GTN, C3H5N3O9, Mr = 227.1 g/mol) is an organic nitrate. It is nitrated glycerol. Nitroglycerin exists as an … Nitroglycerin Capsules

Nitroglycerin Patch

Products Nitroglycerin has been approved in many countries since 1981 in the form of a transdermal patch (Nitroderm, others). Structure and properties Nitroglycerin or glycerol trinitrate (C3H5N3O9, Mr = 227.1 g/mol) is an organic nitrate. It is nitrated glycerol. Nitroglycerin exists as an oily liquid and is explosive if not stabilized. Synthesis Effects Nitroglycerin (ATC … Nitroglycerin Patch