Side effects | Indomethacin

Side effects The side effects occur mainly with long-term use of indomethacin. These include: Asthmatic complaints (analgesic asthma) due to increased formation of leukotrienes by cyclooxygenase, which cause bronchial constriction Stomach ulcers due to the loss of the mucous membrane protecting effect of prostaglandins Allergic reactions Dizziness, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite Headaches Contraindications Patients … Side effects | Indomethacin

Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding | Gastric bleeding

Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding In many cases, gastric bleeding is diagnosed only at the hospital.This is because the patient usually cannot interpret the symptoms such as tarry stools. Often either the drop in performance (in the case of seeping stomach bleeding) or in acute cases the vomiting of blood (in the case of heavy … Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding | Gastric bleeding

Gastric bleeding

Synonym gastrointestinal bleeding A gastric bleeding is a source of bleeding in the area of the stomach caused by various basic diseases with corresponding symptoms and sometimes life-threatening consequences, which makes it necessary to take the fastest possible action and make a diagnosis. Causes/forms In more than half of the cases, the cause of gastric … Gastric bleeding

Painkillers and alcohol

Introduction The beer after work, the wine to relax or a few drinks at the weekend. For many people, this is part of the package, as are painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or Aspirin® for headaches or other complaints. Once the pain is gone, the medication is often forgotten in the evening. However, the dangers … Painkillers and alcohol

Effect | Painkillers and alcohol

Effect The pain medication works mainly by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. This enzyme plays a decisive role in the formation of so-called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are signal substances that mediate an inflammatory reaction and thus pain. Furthermore, these drugs have different anticoagulant effects, so the blood is made somewhat more fluid. Stronger painkillers bind to the … Effect | Painkillers and alcohol