
Synonyms Shot bite, bit closure Definition Occlusion is the position of the lower row of teeth in relation to the upper row in the final bite, or more simply, the bite between the upper and lower jaws. In the final bite, the rows of teeth meet in the occlusal position and form the occlusal plane. … Occlusion

Consequences of occlusion disorders | Occlusion

Consequences of occlusion disorders The effects of a disturbance of the physiological occlusion can lead to quite unpleasant complaints. In particular, the unbalanced load on individual teeth damages the periodontium. But the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory muscles are also affected by the unbalanced load. The consequences are pain in the tooth, in the jaw … Consequences of occlusion disorders | Occlusion

Associated symptoms | Atheromatosis

Associated symptoms Atheromatosis leads to different symptoms depending on its severity and localization. It usually exists undetected for years before the first symptoms appear. Only when vessels are constricted or blocked by the deposits do symptoms appear. A common complex of symptoms that can occur at the bottom of an atheromatosis is angina pectoris. A … Associated symptoms | Atheromatosis


Definition The term atheromatosis is often very misunderstood. Atheromas are benign soft tissue tumours as well as fatty deposits in the walls of arterial vessels. The term atheromatosis refers to the occurrence of atheromatous plaques, also called atheromas, in the walls of arteries. These are cholesterol-containing deposits on the innermost layer of the arteries that … Atheromatosis

Function | Vertebral artery

Function The arteria vertebralis supplies the brain and parts of the spinal cord with oxygen-rich blood. Especially cerebellum, brain stem and occipital lobe are supplied by the arteria vertebralis (see anatomy). An important function of the arteria vertebralis only becomes relevant in the case of a specific clinical picture. If a patient suffers from the … Function | Vertebral artery

Arteria vertebralis Dissection | Vertebral artery

Arteria vertebralis Dissection The dissection of an artery refers to the splitting of the inner vessel wall (intima). As a result, bleeding can occur between the intima and the media (middle vessel wall). This leads to a constriction (stenosis) or, in the worst case, to complete closure of the vessel with circulatory problems in the … Arteria vertebralis Dissection | Vertebral artery

Comparison of lacrimal duct stenosis in adults and infants | Lacrimal duct stenosis

Comparison of lacrimal duct stenosis in adults and infants The occurrence of a blocked tear duct is more frequent in infants. Almost 30 percent of all newborns suffer from some form of narrowing. The obstructed drainage often causes irritation, swelling or even purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva. The reason for the occlusion is usually an … Comparison of lacrimal duct stenosis in adults and infants | Lacrimal duct stenosis