Effect | Proff® Pain Cream


With Ibuprofen it concerns medicaments from the group of the pain means and antirheumatics. By inhibiting enzymes that release tissue hormones (so-called prostaglandins) that mediate inflammation, ibuprofen inhibits inflammation, has an analgesic effect and reduces fever. When taken orally, ibuprofen acts on the stomach lining and can damage it.

The theory behind its use as a cream is a locally increased intake, which is associated with fewer systemic side effects, such as an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. At the place of application, the concentration of the active ingredient is increased, resulting in an effect on inflamed or swollen joints. proff® Pain Cream thus has a targeted pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory effect and is well tolerated by the skin in rheumatism, arthrosis and muscle and joint complaints.


The cream is applied three to four times a day. Depending on the affected joint or painful area, a few centimeters of cream should be applied, which corresponds to between 2 and 5 g of cream. Proff® Pain Cream is lightly rubbed in. In the case of bruises and sprains, an ointment bandage with proff® Pain Cream can also be applied. The cream is usually applied between two and three weeks.

Side effects

So far, no interactions between the local application of proff® pain cream and other drugs are known. Proff® Pain Cream should always be applied to healthy, unbroken skin. So far there is no evidence of an interaction of proff® Schmerzcreme with the consumption of alcohol.

The active ingredient ibuprofen contained in the product has only a limited systemic effect, which means that no interactions are to be expected if used correctly and with moderate alcohol consumption. The next article may also be of interest to you: Effect of alcohol – influence on the different organsThere is insufficient experience for the application in the first two thirds of pregnancy, pregnant women should use the cream after careful consideration. In the last third of the pregnancy proff® Pain Cream is contraindicated according to the package insert, as the active ingredient ibuprofen could cause side effects.

According to this, inhibition of labor activity, prolongation of pregnancy and birth, as well as toxic effects on the child’s cardiovascular system and kidneys are potential side effects. Ibuprofen also increases the tendency to bleed in both mother and child. Small amounts of ibuprofen pass into breast milk.

To date, no adverse effects on the infant have been reported. If used for a short period of time, breastfeeding usually does not have to be interrupted. Breastfeeding mothers should not use proff® Pain Cream in the breast area and avoid direct contact of the baby with the cream.