Therapy | RSI Syndrome

Therapy The therapy or treatment of the RSI syndrome is largely based on the patient’s own work. Doctors, therapists or other affected persons can learn a variety of exercises for stretching, strengthening and mobilization suitable for everyday and workplace use, which prevent the progression of the disease. Furthermore, it is part of the therapy concept … Therapy | RSI Syndrome

Duration | RSI Syndrome

Duration Many patients develop RSI over many years. The pain and symptoms develop gradually and there are phases in which the complaints are better and worse. When an RSI syndrome is diagnosed and treatment begins, there is no fixed period of time until the symptoms have disappeared. Often the problems can be controlled by a … Duration | RSI Syndrome

Bullying in the Workplace

Lately, you keep getting appointments very late or only by chance. Your boss has been criticizing you lately not only in private, but also at the team meeting. You always get stuck with the unpopular tasks. Coincidence or sign of mobbing? We give you answers to questions around the topic “mobbing at work” and explain … Bullying in the Workplace

How much is the wage paid in case of a prohibition of employment? | Employment ban when pregnant?

How much is the wage paid in case of a prohibition of employment? In order to ensure that an expectant mother does not continue to work for fear of financial loss and thus endanger her health or that of the child, the continued payment of wages is regulated in the Maternity Protection Act. Thus pregnant … How much is the wage paid in case of a prohibition of employment? | Employment ban when pregnant?

Employment ban when pregnant?

As soon as a pregnant woman informs her employer that she is pregnant, she is under special legal protection. The following regulations exist for example: Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) Maternity Protection Guidelines Ordinance (MuschVo) Ordinance for the protection of mothers at work (MuSchArbV) Ordinance on biological substances (BioStoffV) They all have one goal: to protect … Employment ban when pregnant?

Reasons for a ban on employment | Employment ban when pregnant?

Reasons for a ban on employment The Maternity Protection Act stipulates by law which activities fall under the employment ban: While these activities fall under the employment prohibition from the beginning, the following only take effect in the course of pregnancy: Reasons for an individual employment prohibition are e.g. : For example, pregnant women must … Reasons for a ban on employment | Employment ban when pregnant?

Heat-free in the office

Introduction As temperatures rise and performance declines, many workers wonder what rights they have in hot weather. At school, ‘heat-free’ is pronounced much more often than at work. Nevertheless, there are circumstances in which employees can also be granted heat-free in the office. What are the requirements for heat-free in the office? The labor law … Heat-free in the office

Are there differences for office or outdoor work? | Heat-free in the office

Are there differences for office or outdoor work? The employer has a duty of care and is responsible for protecting the health of his employees. For outdoor work, working in heat is not clearly regulated. Employers are obliged to protect the employees and to enable cooling measures, such as awnings, fans or drinks. Is the … Are there differences for office or outdoor work? | Heat-free in the office