Pansy: Dosage

The crushed drug is applied externally in the form of infusions or decoctions. Due to insufficient clinical data, there are currently no approved finished medicines with established indications, but extracts of pansies are included in various skin care products in the form of creams, oils and balms.

Pansies – the right dose

To make your own sitz bath, 2-3 tablespoons of pansy herb can be poured over 1 l of boiling water, passed through a tea strainer after 15 minutes and the decoction added to the bath water.

The average daily dose, unless otherwise prescribed, is about 4.5 g of the drug.

Pansy: Preparation

To prepare a tea of pansy herb for external use, 1.5 g of the finely chopped drug (1 teaspoon corresponds to about 1.8 g) is poured over about 150 ml of boiling water and after 10 minutes passed through a tea strainer. Alternatively, the herb can be prepared with cold water and then boiled briefly.

The tea infusion can be used externally up to 3 times a day. For throat infections, the tea can also be used to gargle.

Pansy herb should be stored in a dry place and protected from light.