Uteritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The clinical picture of uterine inflammation, cervicitis, endometritis or myometritis is a classic pathological impairment in women of different age groups due to its anatomical characteristics. What is uterine inflammation? Uterine inflammation, which can affect even young women, is also known as cervicitis, endometritis or myometritis. In medical parlance, the ending -itis always indicates an … Uteritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What can you see in the ultrasound? | Ovarian Inflammation

What can you see in the ultrasound? If ovarian inflammation is suspected, the gynecologist can examine the lower abdomen using ultrasound. This will reveal whether there is free fluid or pus in the abdominal cavity and the condition of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the case of pelvic inflammation, the fallopian tubes are thickened, … What can you see in the ultrasound? | Ovarian Inflammation

Ovarian Inflammation

Technical term Adnexitis Synonyms inflammation of the ovaries Synonyms in a broader sense Oophorosalpingitis Definition Ovarian inflammation (pelvic inflammatory disease) is a gynecological disease characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries. However, the term “pelvic inflammatory disease” in medical terminology usually refers to a combination of inflammation of the ovaries (ovaries) and … Ovarian Inflammation

Is ovarian inflammation contagious? | Ovarian Inflammation

Is ovarian inflammation contagious? If ovarian inflammation remains undetected, it can become chronic and lead to infertility. If left untreated, the inflammation spreads and adhesions develop on the fallopian tubes. As a result, the fallopian tubes are restricted in their function and can no longer take up and transport the egg coming from the ovary. … Is ovarian inflammation contagious? | Ovarian Inflammation

Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Introduction Chlamydia is a bacterial species and is divided into different strains. Chlamydia trachomatis, which is transmitted through sexual intercourse and is one of the most common infectious diseases, is very important. But what symptoms do chlamydia cause and how can an infection be detected early? This is important to know, because an unnoticed and … Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Burning when urinating | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Burning when urinating Burning when passing water can have various causes. In most cases it is caused by a bacterial inflammation of the urinary tract (e.g. cystitis). Further and above all feared causes with this symptom are sexually transmitted diseases, like Chlamydia trachomatis. An untreated Chlamydia infection can in the worst case lead to infertility. … Burning when urinating | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Joint Pain | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Joint Pain Chlamydia infections often cause the typical symptoms mentioned above (altered vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, pain when urinating, fever and others). However, the infection can also proceed completely without symptoms. Typically, after about one to three weeks of pain-free time, affected persons have acute joint pain, especially in the knee joint, but also … Joint Pain | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

As long as it takes until the symptoms appear (incubation period) | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

As long as it takes until the symptoms appear (incubation period) The incubation period is the time between infection and the onset of symptoms. If one has become infected with Chlamydia, it takes about one to four weeks until the disease breaks out. Can one get symptoms only after years? A Chlamydia infection, which has … As long as it takes until the symptoms appear (incubation period) | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women