Pain of implantation

Definition – What is the implantation pain? The implantation of the egg, i.e. the penetration and connection of the egg with the uterine lining, takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. The penetration of the egg into the mucous membrane causes a very small injury and may cause slight bleeding (nidation bleeding). … Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? Most women report pulling centrally in the lower abdomen, exactly where the uterus is located. Rarely can women locate the pain more precisely. When does one feel the implantation pain? The implantation takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. However, as the female cycle is … Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Perimenopause: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Perimenopause refers to the years before and after the actual last menstrual period. Only following the last menstrual period can menopause be confirmed. What is perimenopause? Perimenopause refers to the years before and after the actual last menstrual period. Perimenopause is difficult to diagnose with certainty because it begins before the actual last menstrual period. … Perimenopause: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Gastrulation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Gastrulation is a stage of early embryonic development. During this stage, the three germ layers of the embryo, the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm, are formed. Gastrulation disorders cause severe malformations that result in death in most cases. What is gastrulation? Gastrulation is a stage of early embryonic development. During embryogenesis, the human embryo forms its … Gastrulation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cilia: Structure, Function & Diseases

Secondary cilia are freely moving cellular processes found in the ciliated epithelium of the lung. Their movements enable the transport of mucus and fluids. In diseases such as asthma or cystic fibrosis, this transport is impaired by ciliary paralysis. What are cilia? Cilia are the technical term for freely movable cellular extensions. These five- to … Cilia: Structure, Function & Diseases

Fallopian tubes

Synonyms Tuba uterina, Salpinx English: oviduct, tubeThe fallopian tube belongs to the female sexual organs and is arranged in pairs. A fallopian tube is about 10 to 15 cm long on average. It can be imagined as a tube that connects the ovary to the uterus and thus enables a mature egg cell, which can … Fallopian tubes

Diseases | Fallopian tubes

Diseases There are several diseases that affect the fallopian tubes. It is not uncommon for bacteria rising from the vagina, cervix or uterus to cause inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes (salpingitis).Those affected often have abdominal pain, which can sometimes get worse during sexual intercourse or when urinating. Depending on how severe the inflammation … Diseases | Fallopian tubes

When does the implantation take place? | The implantation of the egg cell

When does the implantation take place? The current procedure for the implantation of an egg cell is as follows: During the 2nd to 5th day of embryonic development, the germ migrates through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. On day 5, the blastocyst hatches out of the vitreous and is ready for implantation. The implantation … When does the implantation take place? | The implantation of the egg cell