Accelerate hair growth in women | How can you accelerate hair growth?

Accelerate hair growth in women

In principle, male and female hair are not really different from each other. However, since women often have longer hair, the amount of care required is much greater. Many women want a full, strong mane and observe anxiously that their hair does not grow as fast and strong as they would like it to.

Hair length is genetically determined. This means that someone with a predisposition to short, frizzy hair will be able to take care of their hair no matter how much, it will not grow any longer. However, there are several other factors that can impede hair growth.

For example, a zinc deficiency has a negative effect on hair production and causes hair to fall out before the end of its growth phase. In this context, alcohol should also be mentioned, as it attacks the zinc reserves and slows down the metabolism overall. Stress also inhibits hair growth.

In order to stimulate hair growth, it is therefore important to ensure a healthy and balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle. Biotin, for example, is essential for strong hair growth. In addition, scalp massages or special shampoos containing caffeine can promote the blood circulation of the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth. With care and styling products, less is more. Gentle and skin-friendly products should always be preferred, while straightening irons and curling irons dry out the hair and should be used sparingly.

Accelerate hair growth in the baby

As different as the babies can be, as different is their hair. Some are born completely bald, others are born with strong and full hair. Still others have their entire head covered with a soft fuzz.

All this is completely normal and no cause for concern on the part of the parents, because every child develops individually and that includes hair growth. Even if the baby is born with beautiful, full hair, it can happen that within the first six months of life these hairs completely fall out again and suddenly the baby has bald spots or even a complete baldness. However, this hair loss is also completely normal and nothing to worry about.

It is explained by the fact that the hair growth phase overlaps with the hair growth pause phase. After this so-called pause phase, the hair normally falls out and the hair follicle starts to produce new hair. In newborns, it can happen that all hair follicles in the scalp change from one phase to the other at the same time, resulting in a supposed baldness.

Once this has happened, the original soft baby fluff hair is replaced by stronger scalp hair and hair growth normalizes. If babies regularly develop a bald spot at the back of the head, this can be caused, for example, by the lying position on the pillow, as the hairs of babies sometimes break off very easily and cannot withstand the mechanical strain for long. If an unusually severe hair loss occurs in the baby, which cannot be explained by a change in the growth phases or otherwise, malnutrition or another underlying disease may also be possible and should be ruled out by a specialist. So there is little point in trying to accelerate hair growth in babies, nature will usually take care of it all by itself. But here too, a healthy and well-groomed scalp is important for good hair growth.