Venereal diseases | Pain when urinating in men

Venereal diseases Venereal diseases can be the trigger for pain when urinating. At this point, the main aim is to treat those venereal diseases that cause frequent and direct symptoms. Venereal diseases that can cause pain when urinating include gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. These venereal diseases usually cause immediate symptoms in the urogenital tract and … Venereal diseases | Pain when urinating in men

Drugs | Pain when urinating in men

Drugs Taking medication can be useful in various cases. These include analgesics – i.e. painkillers – which can relieve the pain. Typical freely available painkillers are those of the so-called NSAID class. These include novalgin, paracetamol, and their two best-known representatives, ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid – ASS or Aspirin® for short. Painkillers in this group … Drugs | Pain when urinating in men