Quitting Smoking: How to Avoid Weight Gain?

For many smokers it is a horror scenario: they stop smoking and should actually be happy. But now there are a few extra pounds on their hips. And the next withdrawal is just around the corner – from good food. This does not have to be, because you can do something against the annoying pounds in advance and also accompanying.

Make yourself clear what is happening in the body

Most smokers gain weight (about three kilograms on average) when they stop smoking. Weight gains of this magnitude are a negligible risk factor compared with impending health damage from continued smoking. The increased intake of calories and the elimination of nicotine as a calorie-burning substance are responsible for the observed increase in weight.

Don’t fall prey to prejudice

Smoking definitely does not make you slim. In 4,000 people studied within seven years, there was no evidence of a link between smoking and weight loss.

What specifically can you do about it?

You should not only make sure that you do not eat more kilocalories. In addition, you need to burn those 200 kilocalories you burn less without nicotine in other ways. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, biking to the bakery, taking evening walks instead of watching TV nights, and going dancing are all ways to start boosting your metabolism.

Reduce weight while you’re still smoking

If you are going to quit smoking in two or three weeks, you can reduce weight by two to three kilograms without much effort. This can be excellently coupled with replenishing your vitamin depots. To do this, eat large amounts of vegetables (even raw) and half a pound of fruit daily.

Medication-assisted weaning can also help

Nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion have the desirable side effect of delaying any weight gain. You can use them to postpone weight control.

After quitting smoking: just don’t diet

During a diet, the body constantly receives the information that it is virtually in an emergency situation in which a primary goal is to mobilize reserves and reduce turnover. Once this artificially induced emergency situation diet is over, calorie consumption remains reduced for some time. In addition, the body continues its efforts to build up reserves for the next emergency. On the psychological level, something similar happens: what we constantly forbid ourselves to eat becomes more and more attractive. The massively suppressed desire for it then makes itself felt in uncontrollable cravings and hunger attacks. Dam-breaking gorging attacks are the barely avoidable consequence.

Eat consciously and with pleasure

It makes considerably more sense to eat consciously and enjoy the food instead of mortifying yourself with diets. So eat with your senses awake and not just on the side. If you eat on the side or in a rush and gulp down the food, you have much less of a feeling of really having had something from the meal and will have cravings again more quickly. Balanced eating means vitamin-rich, fiber-rich, and low-fat.

Eating starts with shopping

Eating regularly in three main meals and two snacks is more beneficial than other splits. This is the best way for the body to burn calories, maintain performance and make the body feel better than, for example, eating two large meals. To outsmart cravings at the main meals, children’s cutlery can also be used. In case of craving for unhealthy food (fatty, sweet, etc.) it is better to eat consciously from it and closely observe the body feeling during and after – maybe it will lose its attraction.

Rest and activity belong together

To be or become healthy, the body needs activity and rest in balance. In everyday life, you can establish your well-being through short periods of movement, such as climbing stairs and gymnastics, but just as much through short relaxation breaks (take a deep breath, think of something nice, relaxation exercise). These breaks help to stay focused and productive – and also provide the necessary distance when your head is spinning. In acute stress situations, it is a great help to convert pent-up energy into movement.

Endurance sports are healthy, make you happy, keep you slim

Use your regained energy to exercise in an endurance sport such as cycling, swimming or running. Feel your new balance by taking in as much oxygen with each breath as you need to fuel your body during your current exertion. Start doing this today; get in slowly. All that matters is that you do it – don’t spend a lot of time pondering whether you really feel like it.