Pain in the heel

Heel pain is a common symptom with many different causes. The heel spur and the inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis are particularly frequent causes of the pain. However, incorrect or excessive weight bearing can also lead to pain in the heel, as can incorrect footwear. The therapy is not always easy and often protracted. Where … Pain in the heel

Novamine sulfone

Introduction Novaminsulfone is a prescription-only medicine containing the active ingredient metamizole and may only be used on the instructions of a doctor. Novaminsulfone has analgesic, antipyretic and antispasmodic properties. Novaminsulfone is used for acute severe pain after injuries and operations, for cramp-like pain such as biliary and urinary tract colic, for tumor pain or comparable … Novamine sulfone

Dosage | Novamine sulfone

Dosage Occasionally, the use of novamine sulfone can cause allergic skin rashes or a drop in blood pressure. Rarely, spotty, pustular skin rashes or a deficiency of white blood cells (leukocytes) occur. Very rare side effects of novaminesulfone are During the application of novaminesulfone, a life-threatening blood formation disorder (so-called agranulocytosis) and a lack of … Dosage | Novamine sulfone

Is paracetamol anti-inflammatory?

Unlike other weak painkillers such as acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and Ibuprofen, Paracetamol has practically no anti-inflammatory effect. Just like these painkillers, paracetamol works by inhibiting an enzyme (cyclooxygenase) that produces substances (prostaglandins) that also have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, aspirin, for example, requires a very high dose of about 5 grams per day in order … Is paracetamol anti-inflammatory?