Clinical thermometer | Constipation in the baby

Clinical thermometer

The mechanical stimulus of a clinical thermometer in the rectum can also relieve constipation. The impulse for defecation is given by the irritation of the mucous membrane in the rectum. Normally this is done by an accumulation of stool in the ampoule of the intestine. At some point the stool presses on the mucosa and stretch receptors then give the signal for the relaxation of the sphincter muscle and a simultaneous rhythmic contraction of the intestine. A clinical thermometer can also irritate these receptors and cause stool to be emptied.

Caraway suppositories

Kümmelzäpfchen are a careful vegetable alternative for the recovery of a blockage. It is mainly the essential oils of the spice plant that are said to have an antibacterial and antispasmodic effect. Caraway seeds are especially helpful when babies suffer from flatulence. However, it takes about thirty minutes for the suppositories to take full effect. It may also be necessary to repeat the administration.


The duration of constipation in the baby depends on the cause. In general, however, constipation should not last for a long period of time. A daily defecation is not necessarily the goal of treatment.

In some cases, it may take up to months before a change in diet can be successfully implemented. Therefore the duration is very individual.