Pathology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pathology deals with the assessment and determination of causes of pathological changes in the organism. In doing so, it works closely with anatomy, pathophysiology and cytology. In medicine, it is an important tool for quality assurance. What is pathology? Pathology is a branch of medicine that deals with the symptoms and symptom complexes of pathological … Pathology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Who was James Paget?

British Sir James Paget (1814-1899) was not only a gifted surgeon and pathologist, but also a brilliant orator and scientist. His medical practice, founded in 1852, was so successful that after a short time he became personal surgeon to Queen Victoria and, a few years later, to the Prince of Wales. Genius thinker Paget’s fame … Who was James Paget?

Diagnosis of lymph gland cancer

Introduction Since lymph node cancers usually proceed without specific symptoms, the diagnosis is usually made only when the patient notices swollen lymph nodes. There are then various options available to confirm the suspicion. In addition to physical examination, these include blood tests and imaging procedures such as ultrasound, CT or MRI. To finally confirm the … Diagnosis of lymph gland cancer

Stages and classification | Diagnosis of lymph gland cancer

Stages and classification After the diagnosis of lymph gland cancer has been made, a so-called staging is performed on each patient. This is a stage classification that indicates which areas of the body are affected by the disease and how far the disease has already spread. Staging also includes whether there are already distant metastases. … Stages and classification | Diagnosis of lymph gland cancer

Biopsy of the cervix

Introduction A biopsy describes a tissue removal from an organ to examine the cells. It is carried out if one suspects that the cells are degenerate or if a special disease is present. If a gynaecologist has noticed suspicious changes in previous examinations, he or she will order a biopsy of the cervix for clarification. … Biopsy of the cervix

The costs | Biopsy of the cervix

The costs The cost of the examination may vary. They depend on the form of the examination – i.e. whether it is performed under general or local anaesthesia. However, since there is a medical indication, the costs are covered by the health insurance company. What are the alternatives? There is no real alternative to a … The costs | Biopsy of the cervix

Histology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Histology is the study of human tissue. This term is composed of two terms from the Greek and Latin languages. “Histos” in Greek means “tissue” and “logos” in Latin means “teaching”. What is histology? Histology is the study of human tissue. In histology, medical professionals use technical tools such as a light microscope to see … Histology: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Definition – What is a biopsy? Biopsy refers to the removal of tissue, the so-called “biopsy”, from the human body in clinical diagnostics. It is used to examine the removed cell structures under the microscope. This allows initial suspected diagnoses of potential diseases to be confirmed with certainty. The biopsy is performed by the treating … Biopsy

Biopsy at the cervix | Biopsy

Biopsy at the cervix The biopsy at the cervix is called colposcopy-guided biopsy in medical terminology. Colposcopy is a gynaecological examination procedure in which the vagina and cervix can be examined with the help of a special microscope. In this procedure, a biopsy of the cervix can be performed if tumorous changes are suspected. Using … Biopsy at the cervix | Biopsy