Advantages compared to another kindergarten | What is a Montessori Kindergarten?

Advantages compared to another kindergarten In a Montessori kindergarten, special emphasis is placed on the individualism of each child, much more than in a normal kindergarten. For this reason, the children are challenged and encouraged individually and in a way that suits them. The children are not only allowed to live out their very own … Advantages compared to another kindergarten | What is a Montessori Kindergarten?

How do I know which form of care is best for my child? | What is a Montessori Kindergarten?

How do I know which form of care is best for my child? If you compare the childcare in a Montessori kindergarten with that of a supposedly normal kindergarten in order to find out which form of care is better suited to your own child, you should look at the individual kindergartens individually and not … How do I know which form of care is best for my child? | What is a Montessori Kindergarten?

Retinal detachment

Synonyms Medical: Amotio retinae, Ablatio retinae Definition Retinal detachment A retinal detachment is a detachment of the retina from the back of the eye, i.e. the pigment epithelium (choroid). The detachment can affect the entire retina. Retinal detachment is a relatively rare disease. However, it is very significant, because if untreated, the retinal detachment leads … Retinal detachment


Synonyms Medical: Hordeolum Definition A hordeolum (barleycorn) is an acute bacterial inflammation of an eyelid gland. If several glands are affected at the same time, one speaks of a hordeolosis (several barley grains). Characteristic for the barleycorn (hordeolum) are: Usually there is a central pus point. The inner barleycorn usually shows more severe symptoms (e.g. … Barleycorn