Aftercare | Childhood bone fracture

Aftercare A special post-treatment (in general) is not necessary. The after-treatment always depends on the circumstances of the individual bone fracture. However, attention should be paid to the early removal of any foreign material (wires, flaps, screws, etc.) that may have been introduced during surgery. To be able to exclude growth disorders with certainty, all … Aftercare | Childhood bone fracture

Vaccination against pertussis

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Pertussis Introduction The whooping cough vaccination is recommended by the STIKO, the German vaccination commission, and is usually vaccinated in childhood. A pertussis vaccination in adulthood is also possible. Especially women who want to become pregnant and are not vaccinated should be vaccinated, because an infection with pertussis during … Vaccination against pertussis

When should I be vaccinated against whooping cough? | Vaccination against pertussis

When should I be vaccinated against whooping cough? It is recommended to vaccinate everyone against whooping cough. After the second month of life, children are vaccinated for the first time according to the STIKO (permanent vaccination commission of the Robert Koch Institute) vaccination calendar against pertussis together with other infectious diseases by the pediatrician. After … When should I be vaccinated against whooping cough? | Vaccination against pertussis

Can whooping cough occur despite vaccination? | Vaccination against pertussis

Can whooping cough occur despite vaccination? As with every vaccination, there are also so-called “vaccination failures” with the whooping cough vaccination. This is because some people do not produce antibodies against the vaccine. In such cases, such a vaccination failure should always be considered in the case of a prolonged illness for which no explanation … Can whooping cough occur despite vaccination? | Vaccination against pertussis

May I breastfeed after a whooping cough vaccination? | Vaccination against pertussis

May I breastfeed after a whooping cough vaccination? The vaccine against whooping cough is a dead vaccine. This means that the vaccine contains no active bacteria. The body forms antibodies against certain components of the bacterial envelope.Breastfeeding is therefore harmless. Breast milk contains antibodies of the IgA type. These are antibodies against certain pathogens, which … May I breastfeed after a whooping cough vaccination? | Vaccination against pertussis

Premature Birth

Definition A premature birth is defined as a baby that is born before the completed 37th week of pregnancy. Usually the babies of a premature birth weigh less than 1500g. Preterm birth is associated with a number of risk factors for the baby. In principle, there are a number of causes for preterm birth, but … Premature Birth

Nail bed inflammation in the baby

Introduction Nail bed inflammation (panaritium) is an inflammation of the nail fold, the nail bed and sometimes the surrounding structures. The pathogens of this disease can be bacteria such as streptococci or staphylococci. However, it is also possible that the trigger is fungal or viral infections such as herpes. The pathogens can migrate through tiny … Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? Nail bed inflammation in babies is usually not dangerous, as it is a small, localized inflammation.However, it should be treated carefully and consistently, as nail bed inflammation can be very unpleasant and painful for babies – anyone who has had one knows that it hurts a lot … How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby