Detecting and treating head lice

Head lice: brief overview Appearance: up to 3 millimeters in size, flat, color translucent-whitish, gray or brownish; the eggs (nits) are up to 0.8 millimeters in size, oval, initially translucent, later white. Transmission: mostly directly from person to person in close body contact; more rarely indirectly via objects such as hairbrushes or caps; NO transmission … Detecting and treating head lice

Head Lice Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Possible symptoms of head lice infestation include itching and skin disorders of the scalp. Lice eczema occurs mainly on the back of the neck and may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes. A head lice infestation can also proceed without symptoms, especially in the beginning during the first weeks. The eggs and empty egg … Head Lice Symptoms, Causes and Treatment