Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The venereal disease granuloma inguinale or donovanosis is most common in tropical countries. If treatment is started early, the infection is often completely curable. What is granuloma inguinale? Granuloma inguinale is one of the infectious sexually transmitted diseases (diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse). The name donovanosis is derived from the tropical physician Charles Donovan, who … Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Blackheads or comedones are blockages caused by keratinization of sebaceous follicles. Blackheads are mostly located on the nose or nostrils and are often clearly visible by their dark, pigment-like shape and color. What are blackheads? Blackheads are particularly common during puberty in adolescents, but can also occur in a weakened form throughout life again and … Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Leser-Trélat Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In Leser-Trélat syndrome, a malignant cancer of the internal organs occurs in patients of advanced age, accompanied by numerous age warts. Often, the phenomenon is additionally accompanied by pruritus and acanthosis nigricans. Therapy includes removal of the warts and treatment of the tumor. What is Leser-Trélat syndrome? Leser-Trélat syndrome is a rare and paraneoplastic syndrome … Leser-Trélat Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Oily hair after washing

If even after washing, the hair quickly appears greasy again, many are at a loss at first. Apart from the cosmetic effect, those affected often suffer from the psychological and social consequences. Because in our society, greasy hair is often wrongly associated with a lack of personal hygiene or cleanliness. Among other things, hormone imbalance, … Oily hair after washing