Physiotherapy COPD

In the treatment of COPD, physiotherapy plays a very important role alongside drug treatment. Using various treatment methods, specially trained physiotherapists try to strengthen the patient’s respiratory muscles, alleviate coughing attacks and mobilize solid bronchial mucus. This should optimize the effect of the medication and help the patient to better deal with the disease in … Physiotherapy COPD

Therapy | Physiotherapy COPD

Therapy The therapeutic approaches for COPD are manifold. Of course, a combination of several treatment approaches is chosen in order to help patients in the best possible way according to their individual needs. Drug therapy Here, mainly drugs are used that cause the bronchial tubes to dilate. These so-called bronchodilators include beta-2 sympathomimetics, anticholinergics and, … Therapy | Physiotherapy COPD

History | Physiotherapy COPD

History COPD is a progressive disease that can be positively influenced by therapy but cannot be stopped. In the early stages of the disease, many people confuse COPD with a smoker’s cough because the symptoms, a chronic cough combined with yellowish-brownish sputum, are very similar. In contrast to the smoker’s cough, inflammatory changes in the … History | Physiotherapy COPD

Summary | Physiotherapy COPD

Summary Overall, COPD is a slowly worsening disease that can only be treated symptomatically and cannot be stopped. By adapting the patients to the therapy guidelines, a positive influence on the disease is possible.Especially the physiotherapy gives back a piece of quality of life to the patients, because it offers the possibility to regain control … Summary | Physiotherapy COPD

Homeopathy | Swollen tonsils

Homeopathy Homeopathic treatment is considered effective by some people with swollen tonsils. Treatment should be individual, according to causes and symptoms. It is advisable to seek advice from a specialist. For example, phytolacca can be used when the swollen almonds are dark red, there is stabbing pain, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, the tongue is coated in … Homeopathy | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils after angina | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils after angina Frequent tonsillitis often leaves its mark: the tonsils appear scarred and fissured. Consequently, bacteria can easily penetrate, multiply and spread. In addition, abscesses can develop after tonsillitis. Furthermore, complications can arise after a bacterial tonsillitis. Middle ear and sinusitis, rheumatic fever or inflammation of the renal corpuscles, the so-called glomerulonephritis can … Swollen tonsils after angina | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils

Definition They are located on each side in the rear part of the oral cavity. According to their name they look almond-shaped. Since the oral cavity is in constant contact with the outside world and possible pathogens, the almonds form a kind of “first defense barrier”. In the case of a possible danger of the … Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils due to stress Swollen tonsils, as a sign of an activated body’s own defense system, can be caused by stress. In stressful situations, the body releases various hormones that permanently influence the body’s own defense system. Some studies report that permanent negative stress, so-called stress can lead to increased susceptibility to infections. In … Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils Swollen palatal tonsils often cause swallowing difficulties. A swollen lingual tonsil also causes similar complaints. The swallowing problems can be mild to severe. Since the swollen tonsils sometimes very strongly constrict the exit of the oral cavity, eating can be extremely painful to hardly possible. A doctor should definitely be … Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils