Esophageal Variceal Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Esophageal variceal hemorrhage is bleeding from varicose veins within the esophagus. It is classified as a medical emergency and is life-threatening. What is esophageal variceal bleeding? Esophageal varices are varicose veins (varices) in the esophagus (food pipe). They are most often caused by portal hypertension. Esophageal varices cause dilatation of the veins within the esophagus. … Esophageal Variceal Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Portal Vein Hypertension

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Portals hypertension liver, cirrhosis of the liver Definition Portal Vein Hypertension Portal hypertension is the chronically increased pressure in the portal vein (vena portae) above a certain threshold. This pressure increase is caused by an obstruction of the blood flow through the portal vein or the liver, which can … Portal Vein Hypertension

Diagnosis portal vein hypertension | Portal Vein Hypertension

Diagnosis portal vein hypertension For the detection of portal vein hypertension, it is not possible to use the definition directly, since it is not possible to measure blood pressure locally in the portal vein. Instead, the diagnosis is made on the basis of various other criteria. These include the detection of bleeding in the esophagus … Diagnosis portal vein hypertension | Portal Vein Hypertension